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  • 1. Select Your Membership type

Select Your Membership type

Please select which Membership type you would like to register for. You will then be asked to enter any details required to register for that Membership type, and pay any membership fees.

PLEASE NOTE: All member registrations are subject to final approval from PWI, prior to you being able to login to the website.




12 months

Apprentice members will receive the e-Journal.

A person who is in an approved UK based apprentice scheme leading to a formal qualification. 

Apprentice (with printed Journal)


12 months

Apprentice members will receive a hard copy of the Journal.

A person who is in an approved apprentice scheme leading to a formal qualification.

Heritage Rail Corporate Member


12 months

Corporate Membership for Heritage Railways



12 months



12 months

Student members will receive the e-Journal.

A person in full-time or part-time UK based education leading to a formal qualification. 

Student (with printed Journal)


12 months

Student members will receive a hard copy of the Journal.

A person who is in full-time or part-time education leading to a formal qualification.